Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward - Pantry Walkthrough

2022-09-17 03:04:35 By : Mr. Stephen Meng

The only thing this Pantry will make you hungry for is answers. Here's how to solve every puzzle in the Pantry in Zero Escape: The Nonary Games.

To solve the many mysterious of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, you will need to explore every room of the facility you are trapped in. If you choose to enter the Red Chromatic Door on Floor B, you will be sent to the Pantry with Clover and Alice, who will help you explore the facility's food storage room.

Related: Virtue's Last Reward - How To Escape The Lounge

As the name suggests, you will be solving puzzles relating to food and water in the Pantry. This escape room can be confusing and difficult, so let's take a complete look at every puzzle of the Pantry and how to solve them to escape.

The Pantry is a large room with a variety of objects and things to unlock. Before we escape, let's take a look around.

From the entrance, the wall to the right is filled with food storage slots, and a series of numbers and letters represent each container. We'll use this code system for a puzzle later, so keep it in mind for now.

In the center of the room you can find shelves in front of sliding cabinet doors. To the left of that is a storage device designed to hold cold foods, and a food cart that can heat up food lies to the left of that. The table with the escape safe is positioned between these two machines.

Finally, turning back towards the entrance, you can find a water storage and filtration system next to the exit door. On the opposite side of the entrance is a computer system that helps sort and organize the Pantry's food.

Now, let's seek a way out of the Pantry.

First, move to the food cart and grab the four empty containers from the bottom shelf. Then, open the drawer and take out the metal piece, and the drawer will fall out of the cart, which you can now add to your inventory.

On the table to the right of the food cart with the safe on it, you can pick up an empty beaker and button parts.

Now, move to the back of the room and open the sliding cabinet door to reveal a binder, inside which are the nutritional management chart and nutritional balance chart files. After these files are added to your archive, take a look at the floor near the cabinet and press the wheel unlock buttons on each of the cabinet's four wheels. This will allow you to slide the cabinet to the right, granting you access to the contents on its right side.

Open the newly revealed cabinet door to receive the pH detection chemical and the pH scale file.

Next, head to right side of the room and pick up the calendar to add the calendars for the first and second halves of the year to your archive. On the back is a mysterious message that will be used later.

Once you've obtained all of these items, you can proceed with the following puzzles in any order you wish.

To start, let's take a look at the cold storage container at the left side of the room. Combine the metal piece and button parts to create the button, which you can put into the circular slot on the cold storage container. Doing so will prompt you to complete a mini-game in which you slide ice cubs around a grid and attempt to move an ice cube with something inside it into the slot. Move the ice cubes in the following steps to solve this puzzle.

Solving this mini-game will reward you with an ice cube with something inside. Combine this item with the Waaaaarm Drawer to get the drawer with ice in it. You can place this drawer back into the heating machine next to the cold storage to melt the ice cube and receive the ID card.

Before you can use the ID card, you will need to deal with the empty water containers you picked up before. Using the water storage system near the entrance, you can change the pH balance of the water in each container. With the pH scale, match the pH of the water to the label on each container, like so.

You can check the pH level of each container of water by using the pH detection chemical item you obtained earlier. Once you've filled each container with the correct balance of water, return to the food cart and place them on the bottom shelf.

Next, insert the ID card into the slot below the screen on the food cart to turn the screen on. For now, the screen will display an error, saying the number of ration boxes is insufficient. To fix this, first make note of the numbers on the side of the food cart: 1/13, 5/7, 3/27, 7/30, and 11/11. These numbers are dates that correspond to food slots on the right wall of the Pantry.

To open these boxes, first reference the calendar halves you picked up earlier. Matching the dates to the location on the calendar and the wall of food storage will give you the following codes for each date.

Now that you have these codes, head to the food selection screen to the right of the storage wall. Here you can input each code to open the slot and receive a ration. Open all five food slots to receive rations for meat, fish, salad, soup, and pasta.

Once you've obtained the rations, you can move back to the food cart and slot them into their correct positions, which will turn the red screen to white and open a new mini-game.

In this mini-game, you will need to use the nutritional balance chart and the nutritional management chart to portion out each staff member's food for five days. Each member needs five meals, but they all have different combinations of how much of each they will eat. The solution for this mini-game can be found below.

After entering the following meals, you will be rewarded with the Green Safe Password, which can be entered into the safe, granting you the exit key.

To obtain the Gold File, examine the back of the calendar you used earlier. The clue on the back reads "The day the man was abducted". The day that Sigma was abducted was December 25th, which corresponds to the code 101112-B-13 on the calendar. Type this code into the machine to open the corresponding box and obtain the Blue Safe Password, which will give you the Gold File.

Next: Virtue's Last Reward - How To Escape The PEC